Edit Board Info Nonprofit Details Nonprofit Name EIN Maturity --- not set --- Start-Up (0-2 years) Growing (3-5 years) Mature (6+ years) Size --- not set --- Less than 10 employees 10-25 employees 26-50 employeees 51+ employees Budget --- not set --- Less than $25,000 $25,000-$100,000 $100,000-$500,000 $500,000-$2 million $2 million-$10 million More than $10 million How did you learn about BoardBank? Not Provided Cincinnati Cares United Way Website/Staff Family/Friend/Co-Worker ArtsWave - Partner Interact for Health - Partner Leadership Council for Nonprofits OneSource Executive Service Corps. - Partner GreenLight Fund - Partner Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio - Partner JPS Non Profit Strategies - Partner Other Organization / Program Nonprofit Contact Info First name Last Name Position Phone Email Director First Name Director Last Name Director Phone Director Email Director Email Board Information Board Description Exciting/entrepreneurial minded board open to innovation and a purpose of leveling the playing field for low-income Cincinnati youth. Lane 8 provides swimsuits, goggles, bags, towels, clothes, school uniforms and membership fee reimbursement in return for at least 80% practice attendance, respect to themselves, teammates, opponents, and coaches, as well as attendance in an annual neighborhood clean-up. Board Requirements •Help secure adequate funding for the organization (at least 300 annually) •Monitor finances •Participate in creating and monitoring the long-rang plan for the organization •Select and support the organizations board officers and periodically review their performances •Attend at least 75% of board meetings and annual cookout •Keep the board informed of any concerns in the community •Support the organization through a personal contribution of $96 ($8/month annually) •Act as rep along with other board member for a pool either assigned to them or they feel will be a good fit for them Onboarding Onboarding includes meeting with President and shadow of one board meeting or fundraiser before voting rights come to fruition. Time Commitment (hours/month) 1 to 3 3 to 5 5 to 7 7+ -- Parent -- Add New When Board Meets Where Board Meets Board Size --- not set --- Under 10 members 11-20 members 21+ members Board Donations We expect our board members to make sizable contributions. Please contact for more information. We require a specific amount of “give or get” for all board members. We strive for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions. -- Parent -- Add New Additional donation expectation information Annual $96 contribution ($8/mo) Board Info to Listings --- not set ---