Connected to Organization --- not set --- Items Needed Title Description If you would like to donate food or cleaning products, our shelter staff will be grateful to receive your donations at 990 Nassau St. Thank you. Suggested items to donate include new, full-size hygiene products - African American shampoo (such as Cantu, Shea, and Carol's Daughter), body wash, shampoo, conditioner, combs, brushes, deodorant, toothbrush/toothpaste, and baby wipes. Food items such as bottled water, foods that don’t require cooking (for example, canned tuna & chicken, peanut butter, crackers, granola & protein bars, canned soups with tab-top, etc.) and snack foods such as granola bars, chips/pretzels, fruit snacks, and nuts. We are always in need of socks and underwear of all sizes. And, gift cards to Kroger, Walmart, Meijer, Amazon, and Target. Contact for additional information and current list of the most needed items. Link to Learn More Text for Learn More Button Items Needed Tags In-Kind Donations Item Collection Make Items Wishlist – Amazon, etc -- Parent -- Add New Keep Visible Until: