Delayed Store Opening but No delay in helping our neighbors
The neighborhood of Lower Price Hill was slated May 1, 2020 to emerge from a food desert with the opening of Meisers Fresh Grocery & Deli, a social enterprise initiated by the non-profit organization Your Store of the Queen City. Selling affordable fresh products based on community demand, the store was slated to bring money into Lower Price Hill through jobs and entrepreneurship. As a community hub, plans for the store would connect people through a friendly, inclusive atmosphere and community activities.
Since the CO-VID-19 shutdown, Your Store of the Queen City could have waited out the CO-VID-19 pandemic but instead they have diverted their efforts to scouring supply streams for needed cleansers, toilet paper and other essential sundries for their neighbors. These products have been donated, repackaged, and delivered to food pantries and churches in the neighborhood. Imagine a two-foot diameter commercial toilet paper roll being repurposed for families! Most of the effort and personal cost has rested with and literally been in the hands of the president and a couple volunteers on the board. As a new nonprofit (less than 1 year officially), YSQC continues to plan for the day Meiser’s Fresh Grocery & Deli can open on a limited, social distancing basis with a Farmers Market. Until the store is able to open, funds are limited. Donations and Volunteers are needed to help the neighbors of Lower Price Hill realize their dream, if only on a limited and distanced basis!