Healthy Relationships ARE Essential
Here at Elizabeth New Life Center Youth Services, we pride ourselves on providing professional, engaging, authentic, evidence-based programs to middle and high school students. Recently, we reached out to the teachers we serve and asked if they would write a letter on our behalf if they considered us to be an “essential” service to their school. When sending out a request such as this, you never know what to expect. We were pleasantly surprised to quickly hear back from several teachers!
Here are a few quotes from letters we received:
“This letter is to verify that Elizabeth New Life Center has provided essential service to our seventh and eighth grade students here at Incarnation…. The information covered in the presentations help us to accomplish standards that are required by the State of Ohio and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati…. These programs are extremely important to our teenagers…. This training helps them to build a good foundation for making positive decisions in their life as they transition into their high school years and beyond.” ~Danny Dunn, Religion Teacher, Incarnation
“This letter is in support of Elizabeth New Life Center and the essential support they provide to our freshman at Beavercreek Ferguson Hall. This year with Covid-19, our district will not allow visitors unless they are essential. Elizabeth’s New Life provided an essential program to our students, and part of our curriculum. Our district has permitted Elizabeth’s New Life to continue to present the Go for the Gold Program this year…. Several of the lessons, such as dating and relationships, also covers the mandates given by the state. For these reasons, I feel this organization provides a valuable resource to our youth in our communities and is extremely important and valuable.” ~Amy Harshbarger, Health Teacher Beavercreek Ferguson Hall
We are so thankful for all our partnerships and support from our local schools! We are humbled by the recognition these and many other schools have offered during this difficult time. They are playing a major part in our goal: For our programs and presenters to be seen as absolutely essential. At a time when it would be easy for overwhelmed teachers to do away with these programs, we are so thankful that they have made our services a priority!