7577 Central Parke Blvd Ste 222 Mason, OH 45040-6834
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Our mission To educate, empower, inspire, and create healthy Asian families and communities.

Asian Community Alliance

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Ways to help

General Volunteer

Volunteers assist with our programs and services. Participation could include mentoring youths, planning events, registering people to vote, handing out pamphlets, promoting our events and programs, and more.
  • Occasional
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Event support, Indoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you help Volunteers are essential in assisting ACA to provide quality events and programs including a support hotline for victims of domestic violence and programs instructing members of the Asian community in oral hygiene, computer literacy, legal education, voter registration. In one year over 1,200 individuals of all ages benefited from programs and services.
About us The ACA is a much needed social service agency that embraces Asian empowerment. It was first conceived in 2000 by four women committed to serving the Asian population in Greater Cincinnati. ACA was founded to help close this gap between services/programs and those who may need them so that Asian populations can flourish and thrive.
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