Become a "Board Member" for

MUSE- Cincinnati’s Women’s Choir

Po Box 23292 Cincinnati, OH 45223-0292
Cincinnati Cares Page Visit Website

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Board Member

Our board The composition of the board includes singing choir members and At Large members, who come from the community. We meet on a monthly basis. MUSE has an opportunity to grow beyond expectations. Serving on this board requires a passion to serve and skill sets that can make an impact. It's a great opportunity to move beyond limits!
Position We are looking for community members to serve with essential skill sets and passion to help!
Desired skills
Board, Business Development, Communications, Digital Marketing, Event Management, Fundraising, Human Resources
When once a month. Typically the second Wednesday 7:00 pm
Where Community Matters
Commitment 1 to 3 hours/month
Donation We strive for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions.
Requirements Read By Laws
On-boarding Onboarding is conducted at special board meeting.
Our mission An inclusive and feminist choral community advocating for peace and social justice.