4141 Hamilton Ave #1, Cincinnati, OH 45223
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Our mission Our mission is to provide youth with guidance, support and encouragement to make positive decisions that lead to a successful life.

Guiding Light Mentoring

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Ways to help

Mentor Volunteer

Be a trusted friend and guide to youth by developing a supportive relationship with them. Help ensure that the mentee develops important academic and life skills.
  • Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • Teens, 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Corporate Teams
  • Event support, Indoor, Outdoor
  • On-site, Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
Ways to help youth thrive


A mentor is a caring, responsible, adult volunteer who serves as a trusted friend and guide to our youth by developing a supportive relationship with them.  As a mentor, you help to ensure that your mentee develops important academic and life skills, is exposed to new opportunities and a wide array of resources, makes positive life choices, stays in school, and graduates with a plan for pursuing post-secondary education or employment. Your typical day involves picking up your mentee and meeting in the community, initially somewhere quiet like a park or restaurant, where you get to know your mentee. As your relationship develops, the actual activity varies depending on your mentee's goal and activities, as each mentee has an Individualized Service Plan that outlines short and long-term goals they are working on. You work with your mentee on their goals by exposing them to different activities in the community as well as building your relationship through talking and helping your mentee complete “homework” assignments. You can assist your mentee with completing job applications, college essays, and academic tutoring. While in Guiding Light’s program, we work as a team to assist youth with building healthy relationships, goal setting,  andimproving their self-confidence.
  • Education, Emotional, Social Skills
  • Elementary (5-10), Middle School, High School
  • Same One Student
  • Academically at Risk, Foster Care, Mental Health
  • Volunteer's Choice
  • Individuals
  • 1 Full Year
  • 2 Hours/Week
  • Weekday Evenings, Weekends
  • In-depth

Group Mentor

Are you looking to give back to your community and have an impact on someone? Do you have a desire to help youth succeed? Well, look no further! Guiding Light is the place to give your service. If you are looking to impact many youth, consider becoming a group mentor. We provide the materials that cover the skills to be learned for the duration of the group mentoring. You will review the lesson for the day, and then will facilitate a group discussion, 1:1 work or a group activity, depending on the day. You help our youth work on skills like anger management, leadership, and job readiness. As the session concludes, our youth complete an evaluation of what they learned. This is an excellent way to help if you are looking to share your lifetime of experience, develop a greater awareness of community resources and the needs of today’s mentees, and desire the opportunity to have a positive impact in your community.

  • Education, Emotional, Social Skills
  • Elementary (5-10), Middle School, High School
  • Same Small Group
  • Academically at Risk, Foster Care, Juvenile System, Mental Health
  • Community Center, Nonprofit
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10)
  • 1 Full Year
  • 2+ Hours/Week
  • Weekday Afternoons, Weekday Evenings
  • Moderate


 Volunteer tutors will assist students with homework and/or classroom assignments two hours per week, either at Gabriel's Place in Avondale (3618 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45229) or Hughes High School (2515 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45219). Volunteers are welcome to devote more than two hours per week of tutoring depending on their schedule.

  • Education
  • Middle School, High School
  • Same One Student
  • Academically at Risk, Low Income Household, Mental Health
  • Nonprofit, School
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10)
  • 1 School Year
  • 2 Hours/Week
  • In-depth
How you help Our objective is simple, yet impactful. We connect people with specific skills, experience, and knowledge with young people who are hungry for encouragement and guidance. Crucial to the success of this mentoring organization, are mentors who care about our youth and have a mutual respect by all involved - youth and adults.
About us Guiding Light is a mentoring organization dedicated to serving youth ages 8-18 in the Greater Cincinnati area by providing positive role models, teaching relationship skills, and developing moral character.
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