Our mission | The mission of Heritage Acres is to provide a natural burial option in the Greater Cincinnati area. |
Heritage Acres Memorial Sanctuary
Ways to help |
Amazon DonorIf you shop on Amazon, please consider using Amazon Smile & selecting “Heritage Acres Memorial Sanctuary, LLC” as your charity. For every purchase you make through Amazon Smile, a portion will be donated to the charity you select.CaretakerIt takes a village . . . to create the kind of natural burial ground that Heritage Acres is becoming. For the past two years – beginning well before we even closed on the purchase of our gorgeous 40 acres on the eastern edge of Cincinnati – an ever-growing group of passionate volunteers has been working hard to tend to the beloved patch of ground we call Heritage Acres.Sustaining DonorSustaining donations help Heritage Acres better serve the families who have placed their trust in us. With consistent, reliable income, we can also be good stewards of the land we’re working to preserve. We can support our staff with a livable wage and help to keep the costs of green burial accessible to everyone. |
How you help | Heritage Acres is not only a natural burial ground, but also a preserve dedicated to protecting land from development, conserving natural habitats and ecosystems, and allowing our bodies to return organically to the Earth. We accomplish these efforts through the hard work of our growing pool of dedicated volunteers, and through revenue generated from burial fees, grants and foundation support, individual donations, and our sustaining donor program. |
About us | Heritage Acres Memorial Sanctuary is the first and only dedicated natural burial ground in the Cincinnati area. We are here to provide a “green burial” alternative for the Tri-State while offering compassionate care to individuals and families as they grieve and process the transitions of life and death. We also offer educational and recreational opportunities for the public to enjoy the beauty and wonder of nature. Our commitment to creating a nature preserve where people may be laid to rest naturally calls us to compassion both for the earth, and for our fellow human beings. By centering environmental stewardship in our end-of-life choices, we can leave a legacy for future generations by protecting land from development, preserving habitats and ecosystems, and allowing our bodies to return naturally to the earth. |
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