Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Location B, 3333 Burnet Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45229
Phone (513) 636 - 0293
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Our mission | Kindervelt is dedicated to raising funds for Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. We are an all-volunteer organization using people in all sorts of activities dedicated to helping children. Together, we can make a difference! |
Kindervelt of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Ways to help |
StayCation Raffle tickets
Help our mission by purchasing raffle tickets to our Staycation Raffle. This raffle includes tickets and gift cards to various venues and experiences around the city and other assorted items. All proceeds support The Kindervelt Psychiatric Emergency Assessment Center (KV PEACe) which is intended to improve the comprehensive assessment, care and support of our mental health patients in… See full description
Deck of 52 Cards - Gift Card Raffle
The winner will receive gift cards/certificates to 52 different restaurants and stores. A sample of cards below. $50 gift cards to Eddie Merlot’s, TJ Maxx, Mitchell’s, Montgomery Inn $25 gift cards to Bravo’s, Kohl’s, Marshall’s, Starbucks, Lowe’s, Panera, O’Charley’s, AMC Movie Theater, Sur La Table, Chipotle, Sephora Others include LaRosa’s, Chick-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby, Trader Joe’s,… See full description
Staycation Raffle Tickets
Help our mission by purchasing raffle tickets to our Staycation Raffle. This raffle includes tickets and gift cards to various venues and experiences around the city and other assorted items. All proceeds support The Kindervelt Psychiatric Emergency Assessment Center (KV PEACe) which is intended to improve the comprehensive assessment, care and support of our mental health patients in… See full description
Kindervelt KraftsCreate wonderful handcrafted items "krafts" to sell to raise funds for Cincinnati Children's Hospital & Medical Center. We have multiple opportunities to sell our crafts in the fall. As a volunteer, you'll make crafts and staff the events.Let the Good Times BowlBring a team to this event and bowl. Help by working at the event with things like checking in people, selling raffle tickets, etc.Fall Event - Gala or Party TypeMembers plan this event. As a volunteer, you'll staff the event by checking in attendees, selling raffle tickets, live auction support, etc.Become a MemberBecome a member of Kindervelt and help on multiple smaller events put on by various groups like bake sales, bunco parties, golf events, fashion shows and more! |
How you help | We have many events through out the year which use volunteers. We also volunteer at the tennis tournament, have a craft show, bowling event and fall event, such as a gala or party, annually which all use volunteers young and old. |
About us | We are an all volunteer organization dedicated to raising funds for Cincinnati Children's Hospital. We were created in 1971 and are the largest auxiliary of the hospital. Many of our projects are city traditions. |
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