Kingdom Warriors

2902 Traverse Creek Dr, Milford, OH 45150
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Our mission Every Monday we cook hot meals right on the streets and open our urban survival truck that has shoes, boots, coats, tents, sleeping bags, toiletries, hygiene, first aid — anything you could need to survive on the streets.

Kingdom Warriors

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How you help Kingdom Warriors needs people like you to continue making a huge impact in our Community. Any one of us could be in the unfortunate place where we need help someday. Be a part of making a tangible difference in the lives of others now.
About us Kingdom Warriors is a nonprofit organization that started in 2014. We feed and clothe the homeless, hooked, hurting and needy in the Greater Cincinnati area. Weekly we cook hot, nutritious meals right on the street. Each meal consists of an entree, 2 side dishes, dessert and beverages. Our ministry truck (Big Bertha) is equipped with coats, hats, scarves, gloves, boots, shoes, blue jeans, blankets, sleeping bags, tents, candles, blessing bags and other survival gear to help individuals survive on the streets and especially frigid winter nights. The Appearance Restoration Trailer where licensed hair stylist donate their time to give haircuts and beard trims is also on-site. All at no charge to our guests.
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