4465 Bridgetown Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45211
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Our mission Our mission is to effect positive change in the lives of our local youth. We seek to provide BRIGHTER DAYS 4 KIDS by offering support, directly and indirectly, to local children facing adversity.

The BDK Fund

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Ways to help


We are always looking to grow our BDK Army of Volunteers! Contact us if you would like to lend a hand with us!
  • Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • Children, Teens
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Groups (10+), Families
  • Physical, Office work, Event support, Indoor, Outdoor
  • None, On-site
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you help We are always looking to grow our BDK Army of Volunteers! Contact us if you would like to lend a hand with us! We rely greatly on donors and sponsors to help us fulfill our mission. We have countless ways that you can help make BRIGHTER DAYS 4 KIDS! Reach out to us or spread the word.
About us Our BDK Scholars Program focuses on philanthropic mentorship to high school students. We give our Scholars a variety of volunteer experiences in hopes they find their niche and will continue to volunteer once they graduate from our program. The Brighter Days Program is designed to coordinate meaningful acts that inspire kindness, provide hope and offer relief for children. Our focus is on creating opportunities and experiences to bridge the gap to the disadvantaged. We seek the forgotten child in the community in order to provide them with a BRIGHTER DAY!
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