Our mission | Western Wildlife Corridor's mission is to protect the scenic beauty and natural resources of the Ohio River Valley through direct land protection and through the promotion of responsible land use. |
Western Wildlife Corridor
Ways to help |
Restoring Wildlife HabitatsWestern Wildlife Corridor is very active restoring wildlife habitat at several special preserves in the Ohio River valley. In our neck of the woods, this usually means removing invasive alien plant species like Amur Honeysuckle or Garlic Mustard so that the native plants and animals can prosper. For these, you need to bring work gloves, plenty of water, herbicide squirter if you have one, wear work clothes and work shoes.Preserve “Monitoring” Program“Adopt” a particular preserve and help out with habitat restoration whenever they have the time.Preparing bulk mailings and NewslettersHelp us create newsletters and get our mailings out to our members. |
How you help | Help us remove invasive species in area parks and protect wooded hillsides. |
About us | To fulfill our mission, WWC has worked since 1992 to preserve and restore the greenway corridor of wooded hillsides along the Ohio River from the Mill Creek near downtown Cincinnati to the Great Miami River bordering Indiana. |
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