A pocket pollinator park will be installed on the corner of South Fourth Street and Henry Street in close proximity to Hamilton’s Downtown district. It will consist of a diverse, healthy mix of more than thirty perennial flora with varying seasonal bloom times to ensure a sufficient nectar source is available throughout the year. These…

So you’ve reposted political tweets on your Instagram story–now what’s next? Join us on MLK Day (Monday Jan 18) at 2PM EST to learn how to amplify your voice as an activist and advocate for what you believe in. Hear from powerful speakers and equip yourself with the tools to contact your representatives and fight…

The Universal Human Rights Inauguration Ball (1.20.21) is based on the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the current human rights review of the USA and the change to be brought about by the Biden Harris administration. We do this as part of the UN Universal Periodic Review (#UNUPR) of the USA that started 11.9.20.…

Greater Cincinnatians will participate in a variety of activities to mark the inauguration of President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris. Sign up to learn more! 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., Sunday, January 17 MLK Day of Service Virtual Kickoff https://meet.google.com/cyq-ffbo-uof 9 a.m., Monday, January 18 King Legacy Celebration Virtual Event 10:30 a.m., Monday, January 18…

HELP US FIGHT HUNGER! OSU College is looking for individuals like you to help fight hunger on Ohio State’s campus caused by the raging COVID-19 pandemic. What We Want To Do We are putting our money where our mouth is in order to give back to our community by supporting the Buckeye Food Alliance during…

In an effort to honor the work of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and respond to recent threats of violence against our transgender and nonbinary community in Columbus, we invite our Black and Brown trans and nonbinary community to lend their voices to our campaign of solidarity for LGBTQ+ youth, to lift up the…