FamiliesFORWARD is always in search of volunteer tutors who would enjoy working one-on-one or in small groups with students. Companies, college students, and others are all welcome to give their time to help students who are struggling to understand reading, math and other learning concepts.
Homeward Bound (Covington) is an Emergency Shelter for teens ages 11-17 that are homeless or have run away or have been removed from their home due to unsafe conditions. They stay with us short-term to determine their next best place to reside. Homeward Bound is the only emergency shelter for teens in Northern Kentucky and the…
Join Villedge to tutor one of our young people who have asked for support. This is either in a specific subject or as a homework helper each week. You can even pair up with a friend and share the responsibility of showing up each Wednesday (or at least have a backup if you can’t make it).…
UpSpring After School is a program that provides the opportunity for students at Newport Intermediate, who are experiencing homelessness, to have a meaningful club experience. The 2018-2019 theme is “Year of Passion” –allowing the students to focus on dreams that can impact their future, their community, and the world at large. UpSpring is looking for individuals…
Jill began volunteering at ProKids as a CASA Volunteer in 2010 because, she said, “I could no longer look away.” “I knew that we had a challenge in our community and I’ve been privileged to serve nine different children since I began as a CASA Volunteer,” Jill says. “I do it because I can give…
A mentor is a caring, responsible, adult volunteer who serves as a trusted friend and guide to our youth by developing a supportive relationship with them. As a mentor, you help to ensure that your mentee develops important academic and life skills, is exposed to new opportunities and a wide array of resources, makes positive…
Help a child succeed through education by tutoring your best subject. Tutors may volunteer at Boys Hope Girls Hope (BHGH) Cincinnati residential home in Finneytown. Scholars are tutored for a minimum of 90 minutes per week for one academic year. Grades range from 9th to12th, in a variety of subjects including Algebra 1,Spanish, English, Biology,…
Direct Service volunteers bring energy, expertise and enthusiasm to what they do and enhance Lighthouse services on many levels. You work directly with our kids by assisting staff with activities, meals, and homework. You play games with the clients, and act as social supports by hanging out and chatting with the kids. You could also go on outreach…
Direct Service short-term volunteers bring energy, expertise and enthusiasm to what they do and enhance Lighthouse services on many levels, just with a shorter time commitment! You work directly with our kids by assisting staff with activities, meals, and homework. You play games with the clients, and act as social supports by hanging out and chatting with…
Are you looking to give back to your community and have an impact on someone? Do you have a desire to help youth succeed? Well, look no further! Guiding Light is the place to give your service. If you are looking to impact many youth, consider becoming a group mentor. We provide the materials that…