Become a "Board Member" for

2917 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
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Board Member

Our board Board Role
  • The Board of Directors maintain ultimate responsibility for ensuring that MedMentor fulfills its mission in the community. The board works closely with the CEO to ensure that MedMentor maintains program effectiveness, quality and integrity.
  • The board provides future vision for MedMentor, supplying the wisdom, tools, and direction to help perpetuate the organization and ensure we continue to effectively meet the needs of children, teens, and young adults who need positive adult support and opportunities to learn new skills and engage in meaningful relationships. The board is dedicated to program growth to make a difference in the lives of Greater Cincinnati patients and their families.
  • Board Member. Board members are the fiduciaries who steer MedMentor towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure we have adequate resources to advance our mission and achieve our vision.
  • Mission. To create life-changing relationships between children and adults facing the same chronic illness.
  • Vision. That every child lives a full, meaningful life undefined by disease.
Desired skills
Event Management, Fundraising, Grants
When Monthly (see Board Requirements for more information)
Where Phone and in-person
Commitment 3 to 5 hours/month
Donation We strive for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions.
  • Each member attends at least 75%, or 3 out of 4, in-person board meetings. Virtual meetings occur from 4:30-5:30 PM on the third Monday of every January, February, April, May, July, August, October, and November.
  • Each member attends at least 75%, or 6 out of 8, virtual board meetings. In-person meetings occur from 4:30-6:30 PM on the fourth Thursday of every March, June, and September and the third Thursday of every December. These meetings are held at the Katz Teller Cincinnati Law Firm.
  • Each board member sits on at least one committee. Standing committees include the Internal Affairs Committee, External Affairs Committee, Governance Committee, and Executive Committee. Ad hoc committees are formed to meet ongoing needs and issues identified by the board.
  • Each member agrees to a two-year term. The maximum is five (5) consecutive terms. This allows for an option of ten (10) years of board involvement before a Director retires, during which MedMentor can reap the benefits of each Director’s mature judgement and deep knowledge of the organization’s programs, history, and ethos.
  • Step 1. Our CEO has an initial phone call with the prospective board member. During this call, he reviews the organization's history, vision/mission, goals, and progress to date. Our CEO also learns about the personal and professional background of the candidate and why he or she wishes to join the board.
  • Step 2. The candidate then meets in-person with our Vice President of Governance (VPG). During this meeting, our VPG reviews our internal processes, governance structure, leadership style, etc.
  • Step 3. The MedMentor Board of Directors votes on whether to invite the candidate to the board. The candidate is then notified via email. If the decision is made to invite the candidate to join the board, he or she will be officially welcomed at the next in-person board meeting. The member will sign the Board Member Agreement and be presented with a New Member welcome packet at this time.
Our mission