Become a "Board Treasurer" for

71 Cavalier Blvd., Florence, Kentucky 41042
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Board Treasurer

Our board The TTN Board is a working board with each Board member actively serving on one of the following committees: Education & Training, Trauma-Informed Care, Membership & Communications, and Finance. The Board meets bi-monthly and committees meet in between Board meetings, some meet by phone while others meet in person.
Position We are seeking a Treasurer to help oversee the budget and to create bi-monthly financial reports for the Board meetings.
Desired skills
When 4th Monday of the month 2-4pm
Where Alternating locations amongst different Board Member agencies
Commitment 3 to 5 hours/month
Donation We strive for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions.
Requirements Board members are expected to attend 6 Board meetings per year, to participate in fundraising events, and to serve on a committee. Board members must also become members of the Tristate Trauma Network or encourage their agency to become a member, this includes paying annual dues.
On-boarding Candidates meet with the Executive Director and at least one Board member. They are welcome to shadow a Board meeting. Candidates complete an application and information is shared with all Board members who vote on acceptance during a Board meeting.
Our mission