The idea of preserving open land, green space, along the Four Mile Creek Valley in Butler County was first promoted in the early 1990s. After much research, it was determined that conserving / protecting green space could best be accomplished using conservation easements and land donations The Trust was incorporated in 1994, by-laws adopted in…

We believe the world is out to gift us, not get us. Monie’s sisters brought him to Tikkun Farm. Two of them were campers at our summer camp, and one volunteered as a counselor. Together they talked Monie into joining our counselor staff, where he became a favorite among the boys. Monie was gentle, funny,…

Crockpot Meal Bags In March of 2020 when local schools closed, suddenly children were home all day, and caregivers needed to feed children three meals a day instead of one. We realized with deepening concern how many families lived with food insecurity. Glenn, the chef who’d been leading our cooking classes, suggested Tikkun Farm begin…

We believe that animals teach us about life in community. Although Duke arrived on the farm as the largest and most powerful rooster, he entered a barnyard community with an established “pecking” order. Immediately the smallest rooster, a miniature bantam, bullied Duke, constantly chasing him away from food and community. Although Duke could easily have…